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Can my child come out and try track before we commit to registering?Yes. We get many inquiries from people because their child is very active and loves to run around. That is great start, but running on a track at a structured training session is very different than running around. The best way for you and the coach to know if track is a good fit for your child is to come out to a couple of training sessions. Please contact the coach to see if spots are available and to arrange to attend a training session.
My child is involved in activities other than track. Is it mandatory to attend all practices each week?Training sessions are only twice per week and it takes at least that to be able to continually improve whether running competitively or recreationally. It is strongly preferred that only those able to commit attending all training session join our club.
How often are track meets and where are they held?During peak track (May - August) and cross country (September/ October) seasons, meets are available on most weekends. Most meets are held within the GTA with the exception of Provincial and National championships.
Does my child have to attend all meets the club enters?There is no obligation to attend all meets but we encourage our members to attend as many as possible. Competing in a race is the best way to gauge an athletes progress, to establish and set PB (personal best) goals, and for continued motivation.
What are the membership options and fees to join the Burlington Track and Field Club?We have 2 options available - Full year (January- December) or Cross County only (September/ October). Please check the Contact Us page and send us an email for the current membership fees and availability.
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